My hopes and dreams

Every each person must have a future dreams that want to reach, sometimes maybe we think it's impossible. But the important things that we should remember is nothing is impossible to reach our dreams by our best efforts, hardwork, and also think smart to get success. As other people too, i also have a future dreams but my dream is come from my "anxiety" of the justice situation in my country, Indonesia. As you know there are lots of disfunctional justice system such as ferdy sambo criminal case, just because he have a power in this country, so the case is not transparant to the public. Besides that there are lots of corruption that unreach or just got a unsuitable punishment. And "Law supermacy" is less of essential because law in this country is not fair to people who have no power, but it's good to the people who have power, or we call it "Inequality of Law". So, because of that reasons i decided to choose my dream being a judge. I want to be a loyal and an honest judge, because our country needs that. 

After graduate from high school, i want to enter University of Padjajaran in Law majoring. i want to enter that by SNMPTN. Aamiin!. I want to get there because University of Padjajaran especially Law majoring has a good grade of its faculty. There are a lot of successed person from that university. After getting a bachelor degree, i have a plan to continue my study in harvard school of law, and i want to try to find a scholarship to get there.

i have a plan after i graduated from university to became apply a job in Supreme Court of Indonesia or we call it "Mahkamah Agung". That's my big goal. Why this is my big goal in my life? Because when i can get this, automatically i also can reach my other wishlist of my future such as having a independent financial, so i can give benefits to other people who needs. then, i can buy a little house in small town in West Virginia so i can live that when i'm officially retired. 

I want to live there because it looks comfortable and cozy, suitable for my old self.

After i'm success on my carrier, i want to enjoy my life by travelling to my dream places, such as Italian renaissance art museum, museum de louvre, grand canyon, and last but not least Toronto. Actually maybe this page is not enough to tell my wishlist, goals, and dreams but all of that above is a big achievements that i really have to get. That's all i can tell about my future dreams, hope i can get all of that and i will tell you later, see you on the next page of my life! 


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